
Global Media Finances Map is a project of the Media and Journalism Research Center, a research institute that specializes in carrying out media research globally.

This website features the most complete state media database ever built. Collection of data for the State Media Database has been carried out since 2004 under the supervision of Marius Dragomir, a journalist, media expert and scholar who is the center’s director.

Overall, during this period, more than 400 researchers have participated in conducting research that has been used to create this database as part of various projects including Television Across EuropeMapping Digital Media and the ongoing Media Influence Matrix. A consortium of experts led by the Media and Journalism Research Center carries out monitoring of the media outlets featured in the database.

The center does not accept funding from governments to run its research. The Global Media Finances Map project is fully funded through the MJRC research fund, which consists of the excess of funds generated by the center’s externally financed project activities. Part of the research is carried out through partnerships between MJRC and academic organizations including universities and think-tanks.

For more information about the project and contacts, please, visit Media and Journalism Research Center (MJRC) website.

For general queries, write to us at [email protected]

Team of experts

Iulian Comanescu (Romania and financial analysis)

Mihaela Groza (database)

Astrid Söderström (comparative analysis)

Norina Solomon (Romanian media)

Paola Castro (Spanish media research)

See the full Media and Journalism Research Center expert community at this link.

Global Media Finances Map uses pictures from Unsplash+ and GoDaddy.

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