Profile GorjNews is a local news portal covering Gorj county. It is owned by local journalist Narcis Daju, who is a former officer for the Romanian intelligence service, SRI. Audience Ownership Finances
Profile GorjNews is a local news portal covering Gorj county. It is owned by local journalist Narcis Daju, who is a former officer for the Romanian intelligence service, SRI. Audience Ownership Finances
Profile Giurgiu pe surse is a local news portal covering Giurgiu county. Its publisher is 100% owned by local journalist Claudiu Cimpoeru. Audience Ownership Finances
Actual Media Press Read More »
Profile Viata Libera is a daily newspaper covering Galati county. It also runs an eponymous news portal. The newspaper was launched at the end of 1989. In 2011, Arbomedia, a publisher owned by the Swiss group Goldbach Media, sold the daily Viata Libera to the local businessman Marian Baila, for about €1.6m. Currently, Viata Libera’s
Profile Monitorul de Galati is a daily newspaper covering Galati county. Its printed edition is published in a 12-page format, Monday to Friday. The newspaper was first published in 1998 as part of the Monitorul network of local newspapers. In 2002, it changed management. Currently it is owned by the local company Publimedian, with a
Profile Antidotul is a local news portal covering Galati county. The website also hosts the Antidotul online TV channel with news videos covering the same county. The portal’s publisher is Primage Ad, a company owned by local journalist Razvan Postolache. Audience Ownership Finances
Profile Bazar Media is a local news portal covering Dambovita county. The publisher is owned by Marius Badea who is also a professor and part of the management team of Valahia University in Targoviste. He was also part of the National Audiovisual Council (CNA), Romania’s media regulator, between 2018 and 2012. Audience Ownership Finances
Bazar Media Consulting Read More »
Profile Observatorul de Covasna is a daily newspaper (Monday to Friday) covering Covasna county. It is published in Romanian (most of the other local news publications in the county are in Hungarian as the county has a large Hungarian populace). Observatorul de Covasna was founded 20 years ago and is currently owned and managed by
Profile Mesagerul Tau is the company that runs the news portal MesageruldeCovasna.ro, which covers news in Covasna county. Audience Ownership Finances
Profile Ziua de Constanta is a local news portal that used to have a daily print edition for many years as well. The portal’s publisher is entirely owned by Claudia Tansilav who has been also the director of the publication for more than two decades. Audience Ownership Finances
Profile Replica Online is a local news portal in a tabloid manner of presentation and covering Constanta county. Its publisher is fully owned by Tiberiu Nemet, a former county councillor. Audience Ownership Finances