
Casa Serafim

Profile Casa Serafim is the publisher of the news website Cotidianul and is 100% owned by the Romanian journalist Cornel Nistorescu. Cotidianul was launched in May 1991 as one of the first privately owned newspapers that appeared in Romania after the fall of the communist regime. In summer 2009, Cornel Nistorescu became the newspaper’s owner

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Dinamic Soft

Profile is a website that presents the daily news in a tabloid manner, often with a vulgar and aggressive tone and with little attention to fact-checking and deontology. The website is published by Dinamic Soft, a company mainly owned by Mircea Gheorghiu (80% shares). Audience Ownership Finances

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Ecopolitic Media

Profile The media group Ecopolitic Media launched operations on the Romanian market in 2015 with the print magazine Ecopolitic Magazin and the news website Furthermore, the company developed two more news websites, and (the latter focused on the Bucharest-Ilfov area). In 2022, Ecopolitic Media launched a sports website,, and an international

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Profile is an online publication that exclusively publishes covering education and research. The website was launched in autumn 2018 by Raluca Pantazi, former journalist at She is the sole owner of the website operator, the company Edupedu. Audience Ownership Finances

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Euro Atlantic Media

Profile is a news website published by Euro Atlantic Media, a company 100% owned by Adrian Fundeneanu. Fundeneanu was a candidate in the 2020 local elections for the mayor of District 5 in Bucharest. He was the candidate of the Romanian People Party (Partidul Neamul Românesc). He left Romania in 1987 and lived in

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G4 Global Journalism

Profile Journalists Dan Tapalaga and Cristian Pantazi left and launched the news and investigations platform in March 2018. At the beginning, the website was operated by the Foundation Group 4 Media Freedom and Democracy, which was renamed as G4 Global Journalism and converted into a company in 2021. The company has three shareholders,

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