
Cere Ziarul

Profile Cere Ziarul is the company that publishes the daily Glasul Maramuresului, which covers Maramures county. The newspaper, which in 2022 went bankrupt, was owned by Corin Chereches, member of the Maramures County Council from the National Union for the Progress of Romania (UNPR) party. Chereches has been in the past singled out by the

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Profile Buna Ziua Brasov is a local daily newspaper and a local news portal that covers Brasov county. The newspaper’s publisher is Citypress, a company that is co-owned by Remus-Georgica Colanel (99%) and Luminita Hogea (1%). Audience Ownership Finances

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Profile Observatorul de Covasna is a daily newspaper (Monday to Friday) covering Covasna county. It is published in Romanian (most of the other local news publications in the county are in Hungarian as the county has a large Hungarian populace). Observatorul de Covasna was founded 20 years ago and is currently owned and managed by

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Crai Nou

Profile Crai Nou is a daily newspaper that is printed and distributed in Suceava county, from Monday to Friday. It also has a portal focused on local news from Suceava county. The publisher, Crai Nou, is owned by Media Sens SRL (52%) and seven individuals. Media Sens has two shareholders: the local businessman Pavel Padure

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Crisand Press

Profile Info Sud-Est is an independent news and journalistic investigation portal covering mainly the southeastern region of Romania ( a focus on Constanta and Tulcea counties). It was founded as a printed weekly newspaper by two young journalists in Constanta back in 2012.   The portal’s publisher is entirely owned by Liliana Leonte. Audience Ownership Finances

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