
AG Radio Holding

Profile AG Radio Holding is the company that broadcasts the radio stations Kiss FM, Magic FM and One FM. It also fully owns Canet Radio that holds the broadcasting licence for the Rock FM radio station.AG Radio Holding’s shareholders are Nova Music New Media with 99.9999% and the Netherlands-incorporated Antenna Group with 0.0001%. Nova Music

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Aleph Media

Profile Aleph Media is a company whose majority beneficial owner is Adrian Sarbu, the founder of the Pro TV station back in the 1990s. Sarbu, a former film director, recorded the street protests during the 1989 anti-communist revolution, which ultimately led to the collapse of Nicolae Ceausescu’s dictatorship in Romania. Shortly after its launch, Pro

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Angus Resources

Profile Angus Resources holds the broadcast license for the radio station Gold FM, a channel with a history of over two decades. Angus Resources bought the station in November 2020. The company is fully owned by Cosmin Andrei Gusa, the son of Cozmin Gusa, former owner of Realitatea TV station and former MP. Gold FM

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Apollonia TV

Profile Universitatea Apollonia din Iasi is a privately owned university based in the Iasi city and founded in 1991. Apollonia TV is the university’s TV channel that currently has nationwide coverage. It was launched in 2012. Apollonia Radio, also run by the university, is an online university radio.

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Artfest Consulting

Profile Artfest Consulting owns the broadcast license for the television station Global News. The broadcaster has been at the center of numerous controversies. Officially, it is fully owned by Mirela Birlan. However, in reality, the station is controlled by Remus Radoi, the head of a dangerous organized crime group in Romania. Global News is known

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B1 TV Channel

Profile B1 TV is a Romanian television network that began broadcasting in 2001 as a generalist channel, which in 2011 turned into an all-news channel. The operator of the channel, the company B1 TV Channel has two shareholders with equal stakes: George Constantin Paunescu and Sorin Oancea. George Constantin Paunescu is a Romanian businessman and

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Campus Media

Profile Campus Media is the company that holds the broadcast licenses for the television station Digi 24 and the radio channels Digi FM, Pro FM, Dance FM and DIGI 24 FM. The company is majority owned by the telecom giant RCS & RDS (90%), which is also a full owner in the other shareholder, Integrasoft

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