Hungarian Language

Fundatia Progress

Profile Established in 2000, Fundatia Progress is a foundation that runs the Hungarian-language news portal The foundation is fully supported by the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR), the political party representing the Hungarian community in Romania., which receives funds from UDMR, acts as a political party portal focused on propaganda for

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Profile Háromszék is a lifestyle/social events information portal that also offers social and economic news. Its publisher is H-Press, which has 16 individuals as shareholders. H-Press also owns Editura Haromszek Kiado, the publisher of the newspaper Haromszek. Audience Ownership Finances

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Profile Népújság (an eponymous newspaper is also present in Hungary) is a Hungarian-language daily newspaper in the town of Targu Mures, Transylvania region. It covers mainly social events as well as social and economic news focusing on Mures County. It has an online version but the newspaper continues to appear in hard copy as well.

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Media Net

Profile Media Net is a company associated with the Hungarian-language news portal Besides Media Net, Asociatia Media Index, an NGO established in 2001, has been used to channel non-commercial funds to the website. The NGO was mainly used to move funds from the Hungarian government. Asociatia Media Index was close to the Democratic Alliance

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Prima Press

Profile Prima Press is the largest publisher of Hungarian media in Romania. The publisher is 100% owned by Asociația pentru Spațiul Media Transilvan. According to journalistic investigations run by Romanian media, the Hungarian government invested some €5m in Hungarian-language media in the north-western region of Transylvania in Romania over the course of five years (2017-2022).

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